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10 Resources for Cybersecurity Awareness Month | ThreatLocker

ThreatLocker® Top 10 Resources for Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Table of Contents

In honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, ThreatLocker® has curated a list of our top ten resources you can use to learn more about cybersecurity or utilize to educate your team members and end users.

1: Mitigate AI-Related Cybersecurity Threats

AI is a double-edged sword.  

In the wrong hands, it becomes a powerful weapon for threat actors. This ThreatLocker blog explores how generative AI tools are being weaponized to target businesses and individuals worldwide and how to mitigate these threats.

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2: Get a Free Software Health Report

Do you know what’s running on your network?

The ThreatLocker Software Health Report gives you a clear view of what's running on your corporate devices and identify outdated or unauthorized applications. With the ThreatLocker Software Health Report, you can mitigate cybersecurity risks like shadow IT, nation-state threats, and unpatched software.

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3: Preventing Supply Chain Attacks

Supply chain attacks exploit physical or digital vulnerabilities.

This webinar discusses past attacks, demonstrates real-world scenarios, and outlines prevention strategies.

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4: Learn at Zero Trust World

Zero Trust World is the cybersecurity learning event of the year. Discover how to harden your environment with a Zero Trust strategy. Join us for a unique experience to learn from industry leaders through CPE-eligible hands-on hacking labs and thought leadership sessions. Use code ZTWAWARE25 to get $200 off your ticket.

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5: The Risks Associated with Shadow IT

Shadow IT is a bigger problem than most executives realize.

Without monitoring and application allowlisting tools, you're at risk. This ThreatLocker blog explains the risks of shadow IT, mitigation steps, and more.

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6: Build a Robust Lights Out Checklist

Cyberattacks rise during holidays.

Fewer employees and IT staff in the office means increased vulnerability. This ThreatLocker blog shares a 10-step checklist to protect your business during long weekends and holidays.

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7: Steps You Can Take to Prevent Ransomware

One wrong click can be devastating for your business.

Damages caused by ransomware often extend far beyond the ransom demand, including reputational harm and lost business. This ThreatLocker webinar provides insights into ransomware threats and demonstrates effective prevention strategies.

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8: Reduce the Likelihood of Successful Phishing Campaigns

Social engineering comes in many forms, including phishing emails, phone calls, scareware, and even QR codes. This ThreatLocker webinar shares mitigation strategies, phishing identification methods, and the threat of AI. Watch this webinar to learn how to protect your organization from these pervasive attacks.

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9: “Cybersecurity Awareness Month Tips” Office Poster for the End User

Print this free poster to empower your team this Cybersecurity Awareness Month with actionable tips from ThreatLocker. By staying vigilant against threats like phishing and ransomware, employees can help protect your organization from costly breaches while securing their own job stability and personal data.  

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10: The Evolution of Endpoint Security: Zero Trust Explained in One Minute

The Morris Worm in 1998 was the first major cyberattack. Since then, attacks have escalated in frequency and sophistication. This ThreatLocker blog explores the evolution of endpoint security and the rise of Zero Trust. Then, watch the embedded video "Zero Trust in One Minute" to learn why Zero Trust is the future of cybersecurity.

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